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Judo Values - Respect

Judo Values - Friendship

Judo Values - Modesty

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The Judo Moral Code

The founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano, devised eight values of the judo moral code.

To be polite to others

To face difficulties with bravery

To be sincere with your thoughts and actions

To do what is right and stand by your principles

To be without ego in your actions and thoughts

To appreciate others

Self Control
To be in control of your emotions

To be a good companion and friend

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Code of Conduct

For Players

  1. Respect

    • Treat coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials with respect and courtesy.

    • Respect the dojo, its rules, and its equipment.

  2. Sportsmanship

    • Demonstrate good sportsmanship, win or lose.

    • Be gracious in victory and defeat.

  3. Safety

    • Follow all safety guidelines and practices to prevent injury.

    • Report any unsafe conditions or behaviors to the coach immediately.

  4. Commitment

    • Attend training sessions regularly and on time.

    • Inform your coach in advance if you are unable to attend.

  5. Effort

    • Train with dedication and strive to improve your skills and techniques.

    • Listen to and follow the instructions of your coaches.

  6. Behavior

    • Avoid any behavior that could harm the reputation of the club or the sport, including bullying, harassment, or inappropriate language.

    • The use of alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substances is strictly prohibited.

  7. Inclusivity

    • Be supportive and inclusive of all club members, regardless of their ability, background, or experience.

For Parents

  1. Support

    • Encourage your child’s involvement in judo and promote a positive attitude towards training and competition.

    • Support your child’s efforts and celebrate their achievements, regardless of the outcome.

  2. Respect

    • Treat coaches, officials, and other parents with respect and courtesy.

    • Respect the decisions of coaches and officials and refrain from interfering with training sessions or matches.

  3. Communication

    • Maintain open and respectful communication with coaches and club officials.

    • Address any concerns or issues promptly and respectfully.

  4. Behavior

    • Set a positive example for your child by demonstrating good sportsmanship and respectful behavior.

    • Avoid any actions or language that could harm the reputation of the club or the sport.

  5. Safety

    • Ensure that your child follows all safety guidelines and practices.

    • Report any unsafe conditions or behaviors to the coach immediately.

  6. Inclusivity

    • Promote inclusivity and ensure that all members feel welcome and valued within the club.

    • Encourage your child to be supportive and inclusive of their teammates.

  7. Commitment

    • Ensure your child attends training sessions regularly and on time.

    • Inform the coach in advance if your child is unable to attend a session.

  8. Encouragement

    • Encourage your child to listen to and follow the instructions of their coaches.

    • Support your child in balancing their judo commitments with their academic and other personal responsibilities.

Compliance Note

Failure by players or parents to comply with this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, suspension, or removal from the club.

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